Dr Aditi Govitrikar


Unbounded Love

I learnt about an interesting subject recently. Self-love. What is self-love? Some call it being selfish or maybe self-obsessed. People many times look down upon the idea of self-love, calling it a moral flaw. But I believe if there’s any love that’s true and pure its self-love. Imagine being in love. Oh, the thrill of …

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The Differences Indian Parents Make When Raising a Boy and Raising a Girl

As a mother of two girls when I look at others raising children of different sexes I ponder whether I would do things differently if mine were of opposite genders. Let me begin with my experience of having two girls. When my older daughter was a cherubic 5 years old, I had my second child, …

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Today, “Stress” is one of the major problems faced by modern society. Often, people describe themselves as being stressed out, burned out, or at wits' end. It’s interesting to note that there is no exact definition of stress. Everyone defines and reacts to stress differently and each of us has a different threshold and tolerance …

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